I’ve been an owner of a construction company for 22 years; one thing we do in construction is to solve problems. So I started to analyze this problem:
Design a system that can save lives and keep it at a reasonable cost.
Most people needing this product are on a fixed income. After doing many hours of research on this issue, I was determined to do something to help minimize these injuries caused by falls.
I’ve been a member of a “Board of Advisors” for one of the most prestigious hospitals in the Dallas, Fort Worth area for the past 4 years. The purpose for this board is to discuss and make recommendations on many aspects of the operation of the hospital. Two and a half years ago we discussed a problem all medical facilities, hospitals, Assisted Living and Nursing Homes have in common, that is “Patient Falls”. I found for many, falls are lethal. Three hundred thousand seniors a year are admitted to hospitals for hip fractures caused by falls. Twenty percent of these people, approximately, 60,000 per year, no matter what their health condition was before the fracture, will have their life end within a year. An additional 20 to 30% will never return to full self-sufficiency again. If they can afford it, they will be taken from the hospital to an Assisted Living, Nursing Homes or employ home healthcare. So often, it is a family member that becomes the caregiver. As a result, their lives are altered as well.
It started with an idea and a simple drawing. I found my Fiancé’s foam work-out pad and cut the very first prototype out with a pair of scissors. (OK, I didn’t think that step out before acting) I sewed it together with a needle and thread. After looking at it and testing it, I came to the conclusion, it was like so many others on the market that I’d read about. I also read a report that stated, although they did help, most were only about 3% effective.
It’s taken 2 ½ years, but I’ve finally designed a pad system that can actually save lives.
The vast majority of hip fractures are caused by falls to the side. When properly worn, the HTK Pad protects the hip from the impact and distributes that impact by the use of my patented hard-shell pad, to the surrounding muscles. The impact is further cushioned by two layers of neoprene pads.
© 2020 HTK Pads, LLC
© 2020 HTK Pads, LLC